Tagged with revenge porn

Don’t Blame the Victim, Blame the Perpetrator (November 1, 2015)

Don’t Blame the Victim, Blame the Perpetrator (November 1, 2015)

Victim-blaming and shaming are the usual lot of any woman who dares to own her own sexuality. Whenever videos or pictures showing naked women, engaged in sexual acts or not, are released, people say it’s her fault for taking the pictures or having them where they can be accessed. The fault of the person who … Continue reading

The Victim Blame Game

The Victim Blame Game

Originally posted on Square Peg (Round Hole):
Let’s play a game. This is going to end well.[Image: vipvalet.ca] Imagine you have a car. Not just any car, but a really nice, new one. Make and model of your choice, fresh custom paint job. You drive your gorgeous car to a fancy restaurant, opt for valet…